launchcast plus
The past couple of days, in case you saw me on Yahoo messenger, you would have noticed that I have been listening to launchcast all day.
Of late a lot of my development work has been in Windows, so I could get back to my favourite IDE Source Insight :) Also now I can listen to Launch music.
Got myself a Launchcast Plus subscription for a month, its just 4 bucks and its definitely worth the money. Unlimited skipping and no ads, these two features are enough to justify 4 bucks. And also you can select a better bitrate, and ratings are more granular, then there are things like influences and moods, pretty neat features. My only crib being, they dont support Linux :(
This is my Launch station, and it's a Rocking one, I can assure you!
I was so sure that I had read this post before and yet my feed reader points out that this post is "2 days old". I wonder why..
Btw, if you haven't already, you must switch to
Aarthi, at 8:00 AM
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